Monday, September 17, 2012

DIY Fringe Scarf

Everyone needs a go-to fringe scarf in their fashion repertoire. Here’s an easy way to make your own.

What You Will Need:
-Old T-Shirt
-Good Scissors

Step 1:
Go through your old T-shirts and find a daring print or color combo. For a cleaner look, choose a solid.

Step 2:
Cut horizontally across the shirt, just below the armholes, to create a rectangular tube.

Step 3:
Working your way around the tube, make a series of vertical cuts that extend from the raw edge upward. The longer the cut, the longer the fringe will be.

Step 4:
Tug down on each strand to elongate it. You can also have some additional fun with it by knotting some of the ends!

Find it 

Cut it

Slice it 

Pull it

Wear it

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