Monday, September 17, 2012


How to Mod Podge fabric on your shoes. An easy way to get the pattern for the fabric just right! @ By Wilma

 ☂ a pair of black pumps. it was time for a makeover. #: ) . used some vintage fabric and the heel is covered with fake leather. let’s get started! 

What you need to to Mod Podge your shoes with fabric
- old shoes
- paint brush
- fabric of your choice
- fake leather
- scissors
- contact paper
- pen
How to Mod Podge fabric on your shoes. An easy way to get the pattern for the fabric just right! @ By Wilma

How to Mod Podge your shoes with fabric

1. Look for some shoes that really need a make over. These are mine, you can see they really need a makeover!
2.  made the  pattern using contact paper! This is really easy because you can wrap it around the shoe and it will stick to it. took two pieces of contact paper and wrapped it around the shoe. After that cut off the excess.
3. Pull the contact paper from your shoes and stick it on your fabric. Cut around it, leave some extra fabric at the places where the hole of your shoe is (you can fold the fabric inward) and where the two pieces of fabric meet. Place for the second shoe the contact paper on the other side of your fabric and repeat.
4. Put a thick layer of Mod Podge on your shoe and glue the fabric on your shoe. You may need to make some small cuts to make it fit. Make some cuts at the excess fabric on top and glue it inside your shoe.
5. Put another layer of Mod Podge on top of your shoe to seal the fabric.
6. Repeat steps two, three and four for your fake leather heel.
7. Wait until the Mod Podge  is completely dry and your ‘new’ shoes are ready to wear!
credit by wilma

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